- 盈透證券的聯繫方式
- 盈透證券的客戶協議和公開聲明
- 盈透證券的帳戶保護
- 盈透證券如何保護其客戶的資產
- 盈透證券的佣金費用
- 盈透證券的最新的資產負債表(根據谷歌財務網頁)
- 盈透證券與其他證券商交易費用比較
- 盈透證券獲獎記錄
- 帳戶經過批准後,點擊這裡登錄”帳戶管理”網站。此網站可下載對帳單,更改受益人,更新的電子郵件地址,存錢或提錢。
- 此網站可下載對帳單,更改受益人,更新的電子郵件地址,存錢或提錢。 登錄到”帳戶管理”,然後點擊”Report Management”,再點擊”Delivery Setting”。
- 點擊這裡來繼續未完成的開戶申請。
- 點擊這裡登錄即可從瀏覽器中下單或看到即時的帳戶股票總值。
- 交易平台(TWS)是一個獨立的Java交易軟體,客戶可用它下單和看到即時的帳戶股票總值。 點擊這裡下載。
- 交易平台也可用於多種手機上,例如Android和iPhone。 點擊這裡來獲得更多訊息或在手機內點擊這裡。
- 點擊這裡查看如何註冊使用電子版股東代理資料。 .
對於應納稅帳戶,每年的納稅表(附表D,1099等)要從網站下載(盈透證券不會郵寄給您)。請先登錄到”帳戶管理”,然後點擊”Report Management”,再點擊”Tax Forms”
Interactive Brokers LLC is a registered Broker-Dealer, Futures Commission Merchant and Forex Dealer Member, regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA), and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and several other self-regulatory organizations. Interactive Brokers does not endorse or recommend any introducing brokers, third-party financial advisors or hedge funds, including ANALYTIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC. Interactive Brokers provides execution and clearing services to customers. None of the information contained herein constitutes a recommendation, offer, or solicitation of an offer by Interactive Brokers to buy, sell or hold any security, financial product or instrument or to engage in any specific investment strategy. Interactive Brokers makes no representation, and assumes no liability to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website.
For more information regarding Interactive Brokers, please visit www.interactivebrokers.com.